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Düölingöhhh Snorlax • 2 years ago

It says completed but new eps keep popping up... ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

KonekoKoji • 2 years ago

"I want to be a ninja just like my Dad!"
Okay, let's just crush your legs a bit, fill your lungs with smoke, and get you knocked unconcious in a hospital bed - and you'll be just like your Dad! XD

Qween Qingzanor • 2 years ago

Literalism aside (lol), of course Van would "choose" to become a ninja after the longing for missing parent cliche.

MeiReiNeko • 2 years ago

Van is pretty epic.

Sylvia • 1 year ago

The special artstyle and music is not my fav, but they really did a great job combining the games style with anime

Guest • 2 years ago
vovan1 • 2 years ago

so true, who do we report for posting this anime?

Amrit Giri • 2 years ago

not nice